Friday, April 17, 2009

A very slow week...

This week has been a very slow, unproductive one for me. With the kids on school holidays till Monday it's been slightly hectic! As much as I love the part about no rushing around like mad in the mornings getting 4 kids ready, getting to stay in my PJ's till lunch time :) and of course spending more time with my kids, I will be relieved when school starts back next week. I've not done much sewing at all! My daughter had a birthday party sleepover this week, so I made the above pillow for the little girl. I think it went down ok, some appreciate the thought of a handmade gift - but some don't.

I made this bookmark for myself - I'm such a mad reader. I'm absolutely lost if I don't have a good book to read, and I've been like that since I was about 10 years old. My son Jay is the same as me, we always have our heads stuck in a book. The best thing is, is that I love the young adult books - so much more fun than adult ones, so he nearly always reads everything after me. Unless it's girly - then he won't even pick it up!

This is a stacked coins quilt I'm in the process of making, although a little different - I'm using all pink scraps with white between each. I have the coin strips all done, just need to add the sashing now.

And I finally got my Kath Kidston mag in the mail. It's such a joy to look through, and making my dream list of everything I want - which is nearly everything in there!

My long awaited (About 1 week - lol) order from Amazon - containing the book 'Stargazer' has finally arrived with today's courier - so I'm not sure anything else will get done now cos I'll be reading that till it's all done! Then watching the 'Moonlight' season one DVD that arrived with the book!
Best wishes,


  1. Hi Jenelle,

    Sounds like you have had a busy time - The kids in Tassie are on holidays until Monday too. Love the cushion and looking forwarded to seing the stackd coin quilt

  2. Your still stippling and i've yet to really begin. LOL. Nice pillow. Can't wait to see your new piece your working on. I've begun cutting my pieces but will wait til I have plenty to start.

    Roaming in pj's til noon. Now that is living!!

  3. It sounds busy over there! I love the initial pillow. With such a thoughtful gift, I don't see how anyone could not appreciate it. But some people are just weird.

    I can't wait to see more of your latest stacked coins quilt. It looks like it will be so soft and pretty.
