Sunday, August 9, 2009

Yes I'm still here...

Sorry I've been absent for so long. So much has been going on right now...
I've only had the time for a little sewing, the above pink Raggy Runner...

Raggy U pillow covers - I'm currently in the middle of another 2 for an order...

And this pink and green raggy quilt that was a custom order.

I've been mostly busy with cleaning and tidying of our house, as we sadly have decided to sell.

We have not had the best of times in the last year since we bought our first home. We have a neighbour who has created such a bad situation for us that we have no option other than to move.

It's so very sad that one person can create so many problems and conflicts, and we now have to sell the house we've worked so hard to make into our cosy home.

But my childrens, and our happiness must come first, and of course a house is only a material thing.

I must thank Tammy for her concern, and I think she's just amazing for somehow being able to know I was having some problems from so far away!

I will keep you updated on what happens...hopefully our house will sell quickly and we can move on. Cross your fingers and toes for me!

Best wishes,


  1. May the best come from this move for each of you. Sometimes one just has to remove ones self from situations & people, just quietly walking away. There are all kinds of people out there in this world & unfortunately some things just don't work out.

    May this step bring nothing but joy & happiness to you all. You have a WIDE world of blog-friends here for you. Take care & best of luck with the house sale. TTFN~ MArydon

  2. Like you say I hope your house sells fast and you can move onto a decent neighbourhood and live life peacefully. Sometimes other people are just toxic and the furtherest you can be from them is the best thing to be. Good luck with selling and moving and hope things work out for you and your family :)

  3. I hope you can sell your house quickly Jenelle. The peace of mind you'll have from getting far away from the people that are making your life difficult will be worth the upheaval of moving.
    I wish you the very best of luck in finding a lovely new place to live :o).
    Joy :o)

  4. Hi Jenelle, just wanted to say hi and hope your move will take you to happier and nicer places. I know exactly what it is like to have a horrible neighbor so I really feel for you. Luckily for me, he ended up moving in the end. All I know is sometimes things happen for a reason and even if we think its bad luck at the time.. it could be the beginning of better times ahead! Good luck, take care, Maryann

  5. Oh! p.s. also wanted to say your creations are just beautiful!! Keep it up! Maryann

  6. hi Janelle, Sorry to hear of your current situation, Yes I also know how terrible it is that somone can cause so much grief to another person.I hope you sell quickly and find a lovely new home to continue being a warm happy family!!

  7. So sorry to hear that you have to move. It is a daunting task to say the very least. Hope you will be blessed with a new and happy home soon.

    P/S I love your raggy pink & green quilt. It is truly awesome.

  8. Sorry to hear that you have to sell your house maybe it's for the best. Good luck. Carol

  9. Have you noticed that sometimes the Plan changes without anyone asking if that's ok with you? I always hate the idea of moving, yet always love where I end up (though haven't moved for 15 years now). Good luck with househunting and remember to enjoy it as much as you can - there may even be the perfect house with studio out there waiting for you!
    P x

  10. Very beautiful things. That quilt and runner are amazing.

    So sorry to hear that you must move. Unfortunately, we have run into the same thing with some neighbors. It is so sad how people choose to behave these days.


  11. Hi Jenelle
    Just popped in to say hi... sorry about your situation with your neighbours but your are totally right about your family coming first...
    I just love the raggy U cute!
    Take care
    Glenda xxx

  12. There are all kinds of people out there in this world & unfortunately some things just don't work out.

    Work from home India
